The Eighteenth Stated Meeting of Lowcountry Presbytery will be hosted on Saturday, July 25, 2020 by Christ Presbyterian Church and it will be held at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 43 Wentworth Street, Charleston, SC 29401 starting at 9am. Because of the current situation, we will be practicing social distancing and having no meal. This will be an abbreviated meeting so that we can adjourn by Noon.

Minutes from the Seventeenth Stated Meeting of the Lowcountry Presbytery for Approval

Packet for the 18th Stated Meeting of Lowcountry Presbytery – 7/25/2020
Includes Proposed Docket; Stated Clerk’s Report; MNA LC Disaster Response Plan

Proposed Standing Rules Changes — This will be a FIRST reading for these changes. Three different change groups: Nomination Procedure Changes in RED; Overture Procedures Changes in GREEN; Meeting via Videoconference Changes in BLUE. We will vote to approve these changes at the 19th Stated Meeting of Lowcountry Presbytery 11/5/2020.