The 24th Stated Meeting of Lowcountry Presbytery WAS scheduled to be held starting at 9am on Saturday, January 22, 2022 at New City Fellowship Church Plant in Orangeburg, SC. IT WAS POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER to Saturday, February 5, 2022. It will still be held at New City Fellowship Church Plant in Orangeburg, SC.

We will be meeting at New City Fellowship’s building which is the gymnasium of Southern Methodist College. Follow the link to get an accurate Google Map. You are looking for this building set back off the road: 635 Stonewall Jackson Street Southwest, Orangeburg, SC.

CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE A PRESBYTER TO VIEW THE PACKET — note this is password protected. Presbyters should have received the password for this section via email. If not, contact the to obtain the password. Be sure to indicate your church, position and contact info so that you can be verified.

Note from New City: We are looking forward to worshiping together! You will get a little taste of New City’s cross-cultural ministry. Prepare your hands for clapping praise to the Lord!
Registration will begin at 8:30am and we will have coffee and refreshments as you arrive.
Lunch will be catered by a local black-owned business, and we would appreciate it if you can help us defray the cost by paying $10 for lunch.